We do strip tilling all across Canterbury.
Strip tilling is a cheaper, more environmentally sound way to plant and manage fodder beet, maize and swedes.
Strip tilling tills your ground in long thin rows rather than tilling everything in the paddock.
- Tilling in strips means cultivation occurs to only 30% of the paddock, leaving 70% uncultivated.
- We use a custom set of rippers that pre-rip 200mm to 400mm deep depending on your preference. This is to get deep tap root growth and aerate the soil.
- Our tiller puts your seed through a power harrow tunnel. Fertiliser is mixed into the strip and then planted by a precision planter.
When we strip till, the number of cultivation passes is reduced to one.
Our tiller also leaves a 250mm row in between the plant lines that hasn’t been cultivated.
Benefits of this are:
- reduced moisture loss
- less weed germination
- improved micro-climate for plant establishment
- reduced wind damage
- less pugging when feeding off.
We use a Falco Rotor Tiller that’s 3 meters wide and has plant row spacing of 500mm.
Next year we are looking at putting on a pre-emerge sprayer on the planter.
We’ll give you quality tilling, years of experience, speed and excellent prices.